GTQ Level 1GTQ Level 1 Exam Questions

  • Certification
  • The Best Book for GTQ Level 1 Certification
  • 10% 22,000 won
  • 19,800 won

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GTQ Level 1 Exam
2,500 won ( 1,000,000 won 이상 구매 시 무료배송 )
  • 19,800 won

Book Introduction

This book is a fundamental guide designed to help test takers effectively prepare for the GTQ Illustrator exam. It provides guidance and analysis on the exam, which requires proficiency in Illustrator software. You can also access free video lectures by the author through the website until you pass the exam.


Table of Contents

Jump to Key

Part 01. How to Prepare for the GTQ Illustrator Exam
Chapter 01. Exam Guide
Chapter 02. Introduction to the Exam
Chapter 03. Answer Submission Program
Chapter 04. Problem-solving Tips
Chapter 05. Frequently Asked Questions

Part 02. Mastering Essential Illustrator Functions
Chapter 01. Basic Screen Configuration in Illustrator
Chapter 02. Creating a New Document & Saving Files
Chapter 03. Tool Panel
Chapter 04. Menu
Chapter 05. Panel

Part 03. Mastering Functions by Exam Item
Chapter 01. BI, CI Design
Chapter 02. Package, Business Design
Chapter 03. Advertising Design

Part 04. Following the Latest Exam Types

Part 05. Latest Exam Type Questions
Chapter 01. Exam Type Questions 1st Session
Chapter 02. Exam Type Questions 2nd Session
Chapter 03. Exam Type Questions 3rd Session
Chapter 04. Exam Type Questions 4th Session
Chapter 05. Exam Type Questions 5th Session
Chapter 06. Exam Type Questions 6th Session
Chapter 07. Exam Type Questions 7th Session
Chapter 08. Exam Type Questions 8th Session
Chapter 09. Exam Type Questions 9th Session
Chapter 10. Exam Type Questions 10th Session

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