Mastering Linux Master Theory Level 1 at Once

  • Certification
  • 20% 21,000 won
  • 16,900 won

적립포인트 169 Cash

2,500 won ( 1,000,000 won 이상 구매 시 무료배송 )
  • 16,900 won

Book Introduction

Perfect for those who are just starting out with Linux!
A solid introduction to Linux from the basics.

The book starts by introducing what Linux is and preparing the practice environment for Linux usage. Once the practice environment is set up, it focuses on explaining the core content most commonly used in Linux. It covers topics such as files and directories, using Vim, bash configuration, permissions, processes and jobs, standard input/output, regular expressions, etc., allowing readers to solidify their basics through hands-on practice. Finally, it delves into using shell scripts and integrating with Git for version control. With the knowledge gained from the book, readers will be able to use Linux in a Linux-like manner, providing significant support for them for a long time. It is recommended for anyone who is just starting out with Linux.


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The First Steps in Linux 

1.1 What is Linux 
1.2 Setting Up the Linux Environment 
1.3 Login, Logout, Shutdown

Chapter 2: What is a Shell

2.1 Shell and Commands
2.2 Prompt
2.3 Types of Shells
2.4 Which Shell Should You Choose
2.5 What is Terminal

Chapter 3: Mastering the Shell

3.1 Command Line Editing
3.2 Common Problems Encountered while Using Shell
3.3 Autocompletion Feature
3.4 Command History


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